Wednesday 12 July 2023

Wednesday 12th July - book club choice/pressreader

This book club choice for this month is 'The House of Elrigg' by Gavin Maxwell. I think it is a biography; I'll report back when my copy arrives from the second-hand sellers.

One of the members of our book club always says how wonderful the 'pressreader' app is, which our library lets members access for  free. I have at last got round to signing up for it. Wonderful! I haven't really got the hang of how it works, but I have fathomed out how to read newspapers and magazines for free.

I can flip through all the magazines that I enjoy looking at, and can screenshot any pages (recipes, patterns, etc) that I want to save. 

I use pressreader on my tablet but I suspect you can get a PC version as well. Well worth having a look at if your library offers the service. 

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