Saturday, 5 August 2023

Saturday 5th August - no more lettuces

We woke ridiculously early this morning, at 5am. In the end I went downstairs and made a tray with coffee and croissants and brought it back to bed. 5.30am is not my preferred time for breakfast.

While the croissants were cooking (frozen ones) I went outside and had a look at my lettuces. Or rather the pot where there had been lettuces. I need to rethink my slug and snail defence and attack plans. I read that they LOVE bran, gorge themselves on it, get bloated and then... die. Bran is going on the shopping list. I also read that they hate coffee. That can be plan B.

It has been a mostly dismal day, weather wise. As in rain, rain, and more rain. The view through the windows has been something like this;

There were a few dry spells so it was possible to walk around the garden once or twice for some fresh air and watch the bees rushing to gather what they could while they could!

Early night, then, tonight.


  1. Since we began using the cotton filter for the coffeemaker, I diligently scatter the used grounds over the raised bed to enrich the soil . If this is proving to be a slug deterrent, that's a win-win.

    1. We use nespresso pods (they collect them for recycling). But I am considering adding cheapest ground coffee to the shopping list... depends on a)price and b) how desperate I get. Meanwhile I shall keep the next sowing of lettuces in my greenhouse.

  2. We have many coffee shops like Nero's and Costa offering the grounds free. Have you thought of trying the beer method?! You put beer in a shallow saucer, they slurp it up, and die.

    1. I didn't know you could get free grounds, I wonder if I can persuade a friend to get me some! I have been avoiding coffee shops, even when masked, as I am still taking serious precautions so as not to catch covid. I shall ask a gardening friend! Thank you for the suggestion.
