Thursday 3 August 2023

Thursday 3rd August - slug attack, and other distractions

 I was not happy when I came out this morning;

something has been eating my lettuces. How did it get across the copper tape?

I shifted the pot and had a look around; one slug and two snails were lurking underneath. Not anymore! As I type this, dusk is coming on, and I shall nip out soon with my slugging tongs and see what I can find.

I had a go with the 'flat present' that Ang included with her cross stitch parcel; some metallic markers.

 I had two surprises when I tested the colours; firstly, they are a lot brighter than the caps suggested! Secondly, as you might be able to spot from the way I folded the edge of the paper, they do not bleed through the notebooks that I usually use. Excellent; I will enjoy making notes in my diary with them. 

I had to deal with a sneaky intruder this afternoon; Aki, our next door neighbour's cat, slipped into the kitchen when my back was turned and nipped upstairs. I came back in shortly after to amke a cup of coffee and read my book. 

There was a rat-tat at te sitting room window; I looked up but there was no one there. Delivery drivers often knock on the window as they don't always recognise our door bell. (We have a 'Downton Bell', the sort where you pull down on a metal handle which rings a real brass bell just inside the door rather than the usual little bell-push). 

Puzzled, I wondered through to the kitchen, and there, the other side of the glass door to the hall was Aki, drumming on the glass with one paw! I opened the door to the garden first, so he could see a clear way through, before opening the hall door. He didn't waste any time getting out; was that a defiant expression on his face? He has been angling to be invited in for several months but has never been allowed through the door!  




  1. That is so funny about Aki! What a cheek!
    Your pens from Angela are gorgeous! What bright colours!
    I love the phrase slugging tongs- little blighters!!!!!!!!!

    1. We feed Aki when the neighbours are away, so we are on reasonable terms with him. I think he would like to use our house as alternative accommodation from time to time.

    2. We feed Aki when the neighbours are away, so we are on reasonable terms with him. I think he would like to use our house as alternative accommodation from time to time.
