Friday, 6 October 2023

Friday 6th October

 I thought that would happen; just 660 steps yesterday. I've hiked a quarter of a kill along the Yosemite trail, and arrived at 

a car park! But what a view! I've had a little peek at what lies ahead. A terrifyingly steep cliff to descend down to a lake.

I'm using a bit of one of Ang's cross stitch pieces as my avatar. I might not have been getting as many steps a day as I wanted, but I'm still slightly ahead of the plan I set myself, so I'm happy.

I the ballet exercises yesterday - not to strenuous, hands and wrists - and today - killer! glutes, whatever they are. And I'm on target for 1000 steps by bedtime. So I snail along with good days and not so good ones.

Here's me getting on with the admin pile; banking, emails, blah blah blah;

Okay. Not a laptop or official piece of paper in sight. From beginning the search for the compasses, to creating a card template, cutting seven paper hexagons and seven pieces of fabric and taking the two together was a longish hour.

Sewing them together took longer than it should; you know the saying 'measure twice, cut once'? Well there is also 'look twice, sew once'. The patches are whipped together with about 12 stitches to the inch which is surprisingly quick to do but a real pain to unpick. The other solution to stitching the wrong patches is not to have any kind of pattern and then it wouldn't matter.

Here's the finished admin, I mean patchwork, using hexagons with 2" sides, next to yesterday's done with 1" hexagons. It's roughly 10" across compared to around 5.5".

It's rather addictive, and fills the space left while waiting for the cross stitch project to restart, once the delayed parcel appears. (I refuse consider any other explanation for its on-arrival)


  1. As Yosemite was declared a National Park through the efforts of a Scotsman, I think it is brilliant your avatar is a bit of your family tartan.
    Quick Quilting Tip - iron your hexagons before sewing them together - it will add a few minutes to the process, but make a significant difference to the surface of the finished piece.

    1. They are a bit creased! This was a sort of put it together to see how it works effort rather than doing it neatly.

  2. I'm liking your step challenge!
    The hexies look great! I quite like the idea of trying to do a paper version of it using the insides of envelopes!

    1. I found that ordinary printer paper was a bit floppy for the larger hexagons. The bought precut shapes are slightly thicker paper, much better. So you'd want 'luxury' stationery!
