Thursday 26 October 2023

Thursday 26th October

Supermarket shopping! A little adventure for me, as I do my best to avoid all shops. For various reasons it was useful for me to join Best Beloved on his weekly prowl through the Supermarket when he does the weekly shopping for my father. This really has to be done in person, as we always buy six microwaveable ready meals for his suppers, and we need to check the dates so that they will last the week.

I went just for a change and also to help choose items for us to have a Japanese Feast as a treat over the weekend. We never get takeaways or deliveroos so the feast meals, and 'dine in for £12' meals are our equivalent of meals out or takeaway treats.

It's probably about five months since I visited a large shop; looking at the Halloween displays, the flowers for sale, and feasting my eyes on piles of lovely fruit and vegetables made a bit of a change. There was a tray of bergamot, labelled  'a culinary ingredient from Calabria'. I'm none the wiser; I've only ever encountered bergamot as a fragrant addition to eat grey tea and scented candles. They looked like large mis-shapen unripe lemons. I didn't buy any this time, but I shall definitely investigate further.

Supermarket shopping! It used to be such a chore for me; today it was a real treat.


  1. Very old joke... Why don't communists drink Earl Grey Tea? (Because, Karl Marx said proper tea is theft)
