Tuesday 21 November 2023

Tuesday 21st November - can anyone tell me what this is for?

 I bought some half-size kilner-style jam jars on the Internet.

It was a set of six, and each jar came with two types of seal and two types of screw, which wasn't what I was expecting 

I reckon the seal with a hole (on the left) is meant to go with the lid on the right, and the idea is you can use a straw to drink your smoothie or 'immunity shot'. I think the grommet round the hole would seal reasonably well against the lid.

But what is the flimsy plastic thing for? It came carefully wrapped in a padded bag tucked in with the jars. I've worked out you can fit the two blue prongs into the thicker end of the white thing, but then, what is the white two-pronged catch for?

I made another batch of High Dumpsie Dearie jam, and this time used half quantities and bravely did the whole thing in the slow cooker.

It tastes wonderful; quite gingery and dark, and not too sweet.

Roughly 350g jam sugar, 350g fruit in total (3 Plums, 1 over-ripe pear, 1 Cox apple) and about half a open cubes of crystallised ginger chopped small. 

About 2 or so hours on low, stirring occasionally, and then 2 hours on high with the lid propped half open on a wooden spoon. I started testing for a set after the 2 hours on high, but that was too soon. It took about another 30 mins or so, testing every 15 mins.

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