Wednesday 22 November 2023

Wednesday 22nd November - Aha! That's what it is for!


Have you heard of this idea?

I had a 'glimmer' moment early this morning,  not Very Early because it was soon after sunrise which is at 7.30am these days. While the Eastern sky was still very pale pink, there was a huge rainbow arching right across the sky. Something to notice, and resist through the day to bring a bit of happiness.

I've been spotting references to 'glimmers' in various magazine articles recently.  I think I may prefer noting 'glimmer' events rather than 'gratitude' things at the end of the day. It just seems more natural.

Although I could mention that although I am sorry that she's not well, I'm grateful that my last piano student of the day has cancelled!

The 'Aha' thing;

 Yesterday I posted this picture of a plastic thingummy which came with some small jars I ordered;


Today I went back and ordered another pack of 6 jars and spotted this photograph 

There is the thingummy, with the plastic handle assembled. I threw away the foam pad, thinking it was just a bit of cheap packaging.  In fact the description states 'free jar cleaner included'. The plastic handle has joined the horrible bit of foam in the bin! One piece of plastic tat less in the kitchen drawer.

I've been making slow cooker chutney.  Once again I filled the pot too full, and ended up tipping everything into a saucepan for the final stage. I've run out of jars, so the final half dozen spoonfuls have gone into Pyrex ramekins, with wax discs and several layers of cling film. I'm not sure how chilli-hot it is going to be when it matures.  So far it tastes as though it would be good with sausages, or as the base of a marinade for sweet and sour chicken.

I made a point of labelling yesterday's jam as they are very similar in appearance; chilli chutney on toast would be a fairly savage way to wake up in the morning!


  1. Aha! I'd wondered if the two bits of plastic slotted to make a piston thingummy for extracting gas through the grommet if you were fermenting kimchi. I'm not keen on kimchi. The appearance and smell put me off, never eaten it though! There is so much packaging these days, it's, easy to throw things away by mistake.

    1. I made kimchi once. It tasted so.... different, shall we say? that we went to Wagamamas (a favourite place before lockdown) just so I could order a portion to go with whatever else we were having. Their kimchi tasted pretty similar to mine. Which was not delicious but reassuring. Never eaten it since.

  2. I wonder how many people threw the whatever it was away!!

    1. I'm still wondering if it was the intelligent or stupid thing to do. I'm going for intelligent!
