Friday 22 December 2023

Friday 22nd December - A Christmas Card to all my Blog-friends


I'm hoping that this will actually work, and that if you can print this out you will be able to create your own Christmas card from me to you...

It's the booklet from the Advent 2 Papercraft

Here is a summary of the blog post instructions that I've been emailing out to my family; 

1 print the image

2.fold it in half long sides together and crease, open out.

3. Fold it in half short sides together and crease, open out,

4. fold the short sides to meet at the middle crease, crease the fold and open out. Hopefully each picture should be inside its own frame of creases.

5. fold it in half short sides together so you can see the pictures. 

6. Cut a slit starting at the fold, just as far as across the top of the angel (or the bird). Open out

7. Take the angel and the dove and fold together, and at the same time fold the candles to the Happy Christmas greeting together, and at the same time push up so the slit opens and you can make the angel back onto the greeting and dove back onto the candles.     

Flatten it into a small booklet.



  1. Beautiful! Thank you. (No functioning colour printer in the house just now, so am just enjoying on my screen.) Wishing you a restful and joyous celebration.

    1. Thank you, and have a lovely time over Christmas and New Year

  2. Brilliant!! I used this technique a lot when I was supply teaching - children could each make their own little book from one sheet of papef

    1. I hope you have a peaceful and Happy Christmas and New Year

  3. Ah, this is so beautiful!!! What a gorgeous idea! No printer here but I am loving it on the screen!x
