Thursday 21 December 2023

Thursday 21st December - nearly all wrapped!

 One of my pet hates used to be wrapping presents after coming home from the midnight Christmas eve service. 

Every year would end in craziness and I would completely run out of tine.

There could be as many as a dozen school concerts right up to the end of term, and when I was the church organist there would be the Nativity service, Christingle, Carol Service, Midnight service, Christmas Day and and Sundays in between.

Come Christmas Day I would crawl home to get down to the business of opening Christmas presents and burning the Christmas Dinner....

This is the first year when all the cards (except the email ones), and all the presents (except for a few) are wrapped and ready and it's still 4 days before Christmas.  How can this be?

Perhaps retirement has something to do with state of affairs?

Piles of wrapped presents, and a steady accumulation under the tree...

I may yet resort to Jacquie Lawson cards for the email ones. I'm currently trying to create one that I can scan and email round for people to print out of they would like. I'm using the booklet format from one of the Advent crafts, which means 6 little pictures to paint and then the greeting to add.

One picture to go.

The actual card is under the protective sheet of paper I'm using to test paint colours and try out the angel. I've set myself the deadline of tomorrow to finish it.... fingers crossed...


  1. I must admit that not sending so many cards is wonderfully liberating

    1. Last year I didn't send any at all... liberated from writing cards, but felt rather guilty... This year was a mega-effort to make up for it.
