Monday 4 December 2023

Monday 4th December - the beginning of the end...

 I mean the end of the school term... which finishes on Friday 17th.

I can start counting down the lessons left to teach this year. 1 today, 2 tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday.  One, possibly 2 next Monday. I shall be more than ready for the break, a good long one as I won't start again until Monday 8th December. Most children are pretty much beyond taking anything in now, what with concerts and Christmas shows and swimming galas. And I reckon that, like most teachers in the last week of the Christmas term, I'm close to the end of my capacity to teach!

I've made a start on the Advent ring, four battery powered red candles for each of the Sundays in Advent, and a white one for Christmas Day. We have rechargeable batteries, so it's not as resource heavy as it might be.  

I love real candles, but for all sorts of reasons this is a better option. Not the least being ease of 'lighting' them;

I need 2 remotes; the red/green button remote controls the red candles, but also switches on the older white candle. So I use the one with the silver buttons to switch the white one off... simple, ish. I wanted to wrap some greenery round the candles with yhe 'snow' tinsel, but it is toooooooo cold and wet to go and get some from the garden. Tomorrow is another (probably just as cold and wet) day...

It would be nice to put the gas fire on  but as we had it installed nearly 40 years ago and haven't used it for a good few years, I think that would be a very bad idea! We have plans to replace it, this year, next year, sometime.... 

We're chomping our way through all the experimental speculaas biscuits. I just cut a few off the end of the chilled dough stored in the fridge, pop them in the air fryer for 10 mins at 175°C and voilà - warm biscuits with our mid-morning coffee!

I am developing the greatest respect for people who write 'how-to-make-it' instructions  - do let me know if you coped with the scandi heart instructions!


  1. Bob (eventually) found the remote control for the outside lights. It took a little while to work out how to set them going. 4 possible time arrangements, 7 sequence pattern (flash, flicker, fade etc) But he's cracked it - on briefly in the morning, and again for longer in the evening. And steady 'on' - no gimmicky twinkling! But Nativity Scene not yet quite completed. This year's new figure still in the workshop..

    1. I'm sure remotes hide themselves on purpose at the beginning of December!

  2. Remote controls breed in drawers from one year to the next, and then disappear to destinations unknown just before Christmas!

  3. Jingle bells was a S-L-O-G with my year 3's today, last lesson on a Thursday!!!

    1. I vividly remember a music lesson with year 1/2 - I taught them a very simply country dance to the chorus of jingle bells. They loved it, especially when two of the little boys, whose dad was a boxer, showed all of them how to dance down between the lines of children going '1-2-left-right' with their fists... total chaos. So glad there wasn't a prospective parent visiting. Class teacher, teaching assistant and me all helpless with giggles and exhausted from singing Jingle Bells 100 times over.
