Sunday 25 February 2024

Sunday 25th February

The weather today was - English. 

A frost at the end of February isn't unusual, anymore than sleet or sunshine. I looked out off the window to see all three at the same time, although the sleet made short work of the frost.

So, as an antidote to the weather I'm reading this at the moment;

Set in the 1920s immediately after the first war, in a 'small' country house in the style long since gone - 

butler, footman, housekeeper, lady's maid, cook, kitchen maid, other maids, Nannie and the nursery maid, chauffeur, land agent, gardeners.... 

and The Family, mother, father, widowed son, daughter with three children whose husband is away on business in South America, teenage grandson whose father died in the war, another son who comes up from town at weekends, and a young, unmarried niece staying for some months over the summer....

Who will the niece marry?

It's very light, summery and I am finding it very amusing in short bursts. Every chapter so far has been crammed with so many ridiculous observations and observations that I need to take a break in between!



  1. I found Angela in my teens and loved her books. Have you read any of Betty MacDonald, an American author? Her first book, The Egg and I was made into a film I believe.

    1. My sister in-law-collects Angela Thirkell hardbacks - I think she has them all, and she's the one who put me on to her. I haven't read any Betty MacDonald books - I'll make a note. Always glad to find a new author!

  2. Some people don't get Angela Thirkells books at all but I love them, there are a few that have never been reprinted so are way out of my price range but I have most and I've got the book that explains all the people and places in their world.

    1. This one is very amusing - totally ridiculous characters apart from Mary, but so vivid I can imagine it as a comedy on TV!
