Friday 8 March 2024

Friday 8th March

 It was a lovely bright sunny day today - to look at from the comfort of indoors! A brisk and very sharp wind swept away any warmth from the sun and swiftly cut through all my layers of vest, shirt, jumper, jacket, hat scarf and gloves to chill me to the bone when I briefly went out of doors.

However an appointment with the dental hygienist forced me out. She's very quick, very thorough, and very keen. In the course of 45 minutes of concentrated activity on my teeth I learned about her new book written for preschool children to encourage them to look after their teeth, why I should brush my teeth three times a day and floss after every meal, and more information about the evils of mouth bacteria than I am comfortable to hear.

I left with clean shiny teeth, ringing ears, and two weeny tubes of toothpaste. It's taken me the rest of the day to get used to my teeth; after holding my mouth open for so long my jaw wont open and close in the same way, and my teeth all seem to fit a bit differently. 

The book cover is finished. I had to add an extra band of patches on either side. I think the quilting had pulled the backing in more than I expected, so the area I originally marked out became too small. The patterned area is now 9" x 16" for my A5 books.

I'm now assembling the book cover; here it is pinned and clipped and part sewn. 

I think this method needs some more thinking about.

The bungalow move thinking is also going on... I keep looking at our bookshelves, trinket shelves, cupboards full of unsorted bedding, the shelves of piano music, the cello, piano, electronic harpsichord, djembe, saxophone, guitar, bags of wool and fabric.... shelves of craft materials... paints, pens, aaargh!

Noooooo! We need to Make A Plan. Or several plans.

Even if this bungalow doesn't come off, there Will be a bungalow move sooner rather than later.


  1. You know the buzzword.......Declutter!

    1. We've been decluttering in a random, casual sort of way for several years... it's got to become more serious now!

  2. RannedomThoughts9 March 2024 at 07:21

    Does it have a garage or even loft space??? Is there room for a decent sized shed?? Having moved from a house to a flat I can confidently predict that wherever you move, you will take too much. But after several months of stubbing your toes and banging your knees on unopened boxes, of moving A to get to B you will embrace de-cluttering.

    1. Terrifyingly it has all of these... we don't have a garage, but our loft is rammed and so are our sheds! I suspect storage units may be involved as a desperate measure....

  3. I enjoyed hearing the list of instruments!!!! Ahrgh, can't bear the thought of having to declutter!!!x

    1. From the position of having slowly filled our house from the roof to the ground over the best part of 40 years, I strongly recommend you do it as you go along!
