Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Tuesday 5th March

Great celebrations today... I've been struggling to get a prescription filled for a couple of weeks now. The ins and outs and whys and wherefores are too tedious to recount now, but we were eventually told it would be ready on Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday (today). I had been making contingency plans s8nce Thursday as I had 14 days left, and, being my immunosuppressants, it is not one of things you can just stop taking. 

Himself returned in triumph from the pharmacy, brandishing three packets of........

iron supplements. 


So he turned round, walked straight back to the pharmacy and watched them searching through the shelves... and yes! All is well!

I now have another 25 days supply (is that all? with the old system I used to get 3 months supply). I'll put the repeat request in next week!

Sewing continues. I've started experimenting (on paper) for the final cross stitch collaboration. Although it won't be completed until we've stitched all the borders.

The book cover looks like this now;

There are two round of patches on three of the sides, sewn down by rows of regrettably uneven running stitch. I've used the foundation fabric for one of the patches, top right, and there areca couple of daily decent rows across it. All the inside edges are flapping loose waiting for the next round of stitching. I will definitely have a few edges to 'sort' later where I have miscalculated the seams.


  1. Read a fun sewing book in bed last night, and there was a book cover in there. I must concentrate on X-stitch and memory bears this week... And the two other projects lined up behind them. I've noticed prescriptions are dispensed in smaller amounts now. Perhaps it is to avoid wastage.

    1. March is 'marching' on rather... hope all your sewing goes sweetly! That's a good point about prescriptions and wastage.
