Monday 22 April 2024

Monday 22nd April

 A new week begins...

I am sitting here looking at the hearth rug with great pleasure. It us completely clear of Stuff, for the first tine since Christmas. The final bit of sorting in the hall was done at a great rate while lunch was cooking. Two crates, both empty and stacked one inside the other so that was the easy bit, and the few bits and bobs on top were sorted and rehomed (bin, cupboard, recycling,  charity shop pile). Now my father’s wheel chair is in the hall, his spare rollator is stashed in the boot of the car, and we have won another victory over the clutter.

I've given the first piano lesson of the term to a student who passed her Grade 7 last term with a merit. That's quite an achievement, especially only having zoom lessons. I am so looking forward to sharing two of my favourite pieces with her. I introduced them in the lesson and to my joy she likes them both.

I've been playing them for over 50 years; here they are;

Rumores de la caleta by Albeniz

Gymnopedie no 1 by Satie


  1. Lovely, both pieces. The Satie brings fond memories of the words written to it for Cleo Laine, "Here am I with my head in a cloud".

    1. I had no idea about the song! I see a you-tube/internet rabbit hole on the near horizon...

    2. Title is actually "Drifting, Dreaming" from an old fave, her album with James Galway.

    3. Thank you. I remember James Galway and his golden flute!
