Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tuesday 21st May

 People in other countries wonder why the British always talk about the weather...

Yesterday I was plenty warm enough in cropped trousers and a shirt; today I'm plenty warm enough too in trousers, socks, sweatshirt, fleece and neck scarf.

Yesterday we sat in the garden in the sun; today I sat out again, wearing a raincoat and with a rug over my knees to meet with some friends. Tomorrow? Who knows.

When I lived in Indonesia many decades ago, we always knew what the weather for the season would be. For example in the rainy season it was hot and humid until about 4 pm when it rained heavily for a while, and then it was hot and humid again. Every day. So it wasn't a topic for conversation,  apart from walking around at a snail's pace saying in a faint voice 'ah, it's so hot'...

While I was standing in the front garden waiting for them to arrive I saw that the peony flower was finished.

I took a picture of it when it was at its best, but didn't stop to look properly, to SEE it. Bother. Now it is over for another year.

I did have time to REALLY look at the rock roses; they are so pretty! The petals are softly crumpled, and arranged so each overlaps the next, and the coloration is amazing. 

There don't appear to be any half open buds; they seem to be either fully out, or completely wrapped up in green ?sepals? Is that the word?

I had time to give attention to the love-in-a-mist as well. There is one really fancy, frilly flower, with ragged edges to the petals, and several layers, like petticoats under period costumes.

Most of the flowers are simpler, more everyday versions, and there are a lot of half open buds as well.

This isn't really a post about flowers; it's about spending time with something rather than noticing and moving on. 

Even the weather is worth a little bit of attention and reflection. 


  1. I need to spend more time just looking.

    1. I find it very calming, and I thhink it's good to take time to see things properly.

  2. My peonies were still in bud when I left home yesterday. I wonder if they will bloom in my absence
