Monday 1 July 2024

Monday 1st July

 It always seems right that the first of the month should be on a Monday. An auspicious day for beginning things.

I've got an art challenge going with a friend; it might last the month or we might change our minds.

The plan is to deface a book (shock horror) with a doodle or drawing or collage or anything Monday-Friday in July. Obviously one doesn't want to deface a good book, but something that's not valuable or important would do. I've chosen an out of date Persephone books catalogue, dating back to 2012. It's good, because it has pages with a mix of text, photographs and artwork, but not so good because it is low quality paper. 

I prepped the book yesterday, glueing the first two and large pages together to make a stronger cover. I've also added a pocket inside the front cover to store scraps for adding to a collage and made a start on today's page.

Today's also the first day of the new collaboration! Scary and exciting! I've been having a look in my scraps and remnants box for ideas...

That blue flowery print, at the bottom comes from a bridesmaid's dress I wore in 1977... I turned it into a l9ng skirt, and then a shorter skirt, and now it's become scraps.


  1. I used lots of the art work from the last Persephone catalogue they did for my scrap book and get their biannually for that too.
    I shall be interested to see what you do as I've never really worked out altered books

    1. I haven't worked out altered books either ... Everything about Persephone books is so lovely. In 'the olden days' it was a big treat to visit the shop in Bloomsbury and then have lunch at the Foundling Hospital nearby...

  2. Not sure that I could bring myself to deface a book, but it will be interesting to see what you do.

    1. It very much depends on the book contents and the state it is in. Some should go straight in the bin!

  3. We have a beautiful altered book which our daughter made us 20 years ago for our Silver Wedding Anniversary. I've never made one though.

    1. What a lovely gift. Something to treasure.
