Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wednesday 3rd July

 We sent off our postal votes last week... It makes me feel very uncomfortable not to vote, even if I know my vote wouldn't have made a difference in our constituency. But, just maybe, this time it might...

Tennis tonight... Emma Radecanu and Sonay Kartal both played brilliantly in my uninformed opinion. It's now nearly half past nine and it l9oks as though Sinner and Berrettini are set to make a night of it. Sinner is winning by two sets to love, but will have to do something extraordinary to save the third set.

I tried my hand at paper weaving. It doesn't look that tricky, but looks are deceiving. I'm not sure it's entirely worth it..

It looks interesting but was a really fiddly thing to do.

Some young girls appeared and with much giggling stuck this notice to the telegraph pole outside our house.

(I've cropped it to conceal their address) I  tried to persuade Best Beloved to take a potato round early tomorrow morning and leave it on their doorstep but he's not keen.


  1. How funny! Like you I would be very tempted!

    1. I am tempted to stick some googly eyes on the poster!

  2. I think I might be tempted to leave a carrot or an apple instead

    1. I wonder if they will end up with a whole load of random fruit and veg on their doorstep?

  3. Leaving a bag of crisps with a 'sorry, your potato had an accident' would be fun!
