Monday 12 August 2024

Monday 12th August

 I'm back!

Our neighbours came round for a drink and snacks late yesterday afternoon and by the time we'd shared a bottle of wine and eaten the crisps....well, time flies when you're having a pleasant evening. And one glass of wine - I'm out of practice. Perhaps we should open another bottle tonight.

They had spent the day at the seaside with their 4 year old boy, doing proper seaside things; crabbing with a weighted line and pieces of fat bacon ('you can buy a complete set of bucket, net and line, and then bits of bacon at 10p each!') they said in amazement. I didn't know about the kits either. You had to make your own back in the day...

We were supposed to be meeting in their garden but even at 5pm it was still very warm, and the coolest place is under our apple tree, inside the den made by the branches almost reaching the ground. 

I set up an entertainment for the lad by having an as yet unharvested tub of potatoes in the den with us, so he could dig for potatoes. This went well,  especially when I said he could keep all the ones he found.

(I had added a couple of biggish ones to the tub, just to be sure...)

I'm getting a list of possible books together for the book club as it's my turn to choose.

Have you discovered this website?

Here are two offerings from it;

I love them both. 
I wonder what the group will make of having the book 'Poems on the Underground' as one of my offerings?

(I'm thinking I will read 'Go Set a Watchman', but as a totally separate book to Mockingbird. I'm curious about it. But I can't say I haven't been warned!)

Supper... it's soooo hot...

A sachet of Jamie Oliver quiona/other stuff heat and eat mixture (can be served cold)

mixed with a tin of drained canelli beans, chopped cucumber, tomatoes, dill pickle, sundried tomatoes, and a dressing concocted from mayonnaise, Greek yogurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Stirred up into a - what would you call it? Gloop comes close. Served in a heap with sliced cold meats. It was actually pretty good, and is apparently to be aded to the menu. Only one problem; I doubt I could recreate the exact same salad. We'll have the other half with cheese tomorrow. 

If I get round to chopping green herbs into it, that will massively improve the appearance and freshen the flavour. 


  1. We have two "poems on the underground" framed on the wall by the dining table. One is Hymn to Love by Elizabeth bishop. The other is Our meetings by Andrew Waterman. Incurable romantics

    1. I didn't know you could buy posters of the poems until I looked at the website. How lovely, and what a romantic choice for you.

    2. If nothing else, you could see it as a study in the role of the editor. Try to see how Go Set A Watchman was transformed into To Kill A Mockingbird and appreciate the skill and vision of the editor.

  2. I think the two poems are really lovely and you should totally make that a book for the book club!
    The get together with your neighbours sounds fab. I LOVE that you got the child to dig for potatoes!!! x

    1. He does do quite a bit in the garden with his dad, but not so much this year. I think they are keen to try growing potatoes in tubs themselves. I think these were just supermarket potatoes; I picked some likely 9nes out of the fridge!
