Saturday 7 September 2024

Saturday 7th September

 Goodness me, yesterday's post was all typos! I've usually got one or two in a post, but I'm surprised anyone could get through that one. 

I'll get round to fixing them.


Yesterday was rather a doldrum day. I took myself off to my bed in the afternoon, with a thermos of honey and ginger tea, a couple of biscuits,  my kindle and a book. There are times when going for a couple of hour's zzz is the only sensible thing to to.

Today's been rather more fun, if not productive. I think my only contribution has been another slow-cooker apple crumble, for tomorrow's lunch. BB has been here and there; fixing my father’s phone (doesn't always get it back into the holder properly so then it goes flat), searching for ring spanners (still awol) and general tidying and so forth.

This afternoon we went off to our favourite farm shop café to meet the 'children' and hand over birthday presents to daughter. It's a few days early, but close enough... it's fun being all together to celebrate. Wapses were a bit inclined to gatecrash our little tea party but we put my little pot of jam on a nearby empty table and persuaded them to go off and share that instead of bothering us.

Tomorrow's job is going to have to be sorting out the other half of 'my' two seater settee;

Once again the collection of pens, pencils, sewing stuff in tins, books, papers knitting basket and everything else has got out of hand.

Ah well. Sufficient unto the day are the troubles thereof.

Meanwhile there is lovely Mozart on tonight's Prom and that is far more important. 


  1. And how good the Mozart was. We do seem to have a few more Proms televised this year. My daughter brought me home grown rhubarb which I made into a rather delicious crumble!

    1. I'm planning to catch up on some of the proms I missed. And maybe listen again to the astonishing Aurora orchestra.
      I do love rhubarb but I'm the only one in the family who does.

  2. Oh somebody else has a settee in the same state as mine! Hi, Sister!

    1. Everything all to hand, until it gets out of hand!
