Sunday, 8 September 2024

Sunday 8th September

Sunrise 6.26 am - Sunset 7.30 pm

Moon; waxing crescent 

This was another day where going upstairs for an afternoon zzz was a very good idea.

So I packed my 'here and there' or 'upstairs downstairs ' bag, made a honey, lemon and ginger tea and off I went.

Once upstairs I settled myself for a peaceful and comfortable couple of hours with books, knitting and my thermos mug of tea.

Sitting up, looking at the flowers all over my duvet cover, this phrase came to kind;

'He makes me lie down in green pastures'

There are times when 'powering through' is the best way forward. There are others when a bit of a lie-down in a quiet place is the better way.

I'm glad I listened, and chose the quiet place.


  1. I believe it is essential to have the quiet place for restoration, revival and rebuilding. Yours looks very warm and comforting.

  2. The older I get, the more I appreciate the wisdom of a mid afternoon rest, to gain strength for the rest of the day.

    1. I used to nap more often at weekends either when the children were very young, or when I was teaching. I'm back to afternoon naps again but without either of those excuses. I'm getting into practice for when I'm an old person!

  3. I also like to remember that word "he makes" me lie down...There's an element of being told to do it! God knows when we need a rest, a recuperate, a restoration, and God gives us that space.

    1. It's a good idea to give way to God before it gets to the 'he makes you' stage!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
