Tuesday 24 September 2024

Tuesday 24th September

 Pairing up socks has been a bit problematical for a while. Last year, or maybe the year before, or perhaps the year before that? BB and I both independently bought socks online from the Sock Shop. They were perfect in every way except that we chose nearly identical patterns. As he has size 10 feet and mine are size 5, the socks were constantly getting mixed up unless we paid great attention when sorting the laundry.

I reckon I have solved the problem with my latest sock purchases; three pairs like this (I'm wearing one)

and three with autumnal woodland flowers and acorns and squirrels on them.

That should work, unless BB gets a sudden penchant for bright red stripy socks...

(It's still too warm yet to start wearing my home-knitted socks) 


  1. Very pretty. I have just started wearing socks again now it's so cold. My favourites have hedgehogs on!
