Friday, 7 February 2025

Friday 7th February - sewing and squirrels

 Or rather squirrels and sewing.

Many years ago in the 1980s Carling Black Label ran this advert;

We had to record it on our Betamax video recorder for our children to watch over and over and over again!

It's not surprising that my birdfeeder is no obstacle to getting at the bird feeder. My current solution is to put out some easy-to-get-to food, which so far seems to be enough for them to leave the more expensive sunflower hearts alone. 


I'm so late with January's Cover Story collaboration with Ang this month! I kind of fell into days of non-functionality for anything that needed half a brain... too much to get through with funeral arrangements while also dealing with my own routine hospital and dental appointments up until very recently. This has been a slack week and so I'll be posting it off today.

Ang and I have been adding a patch every month to what will become an A5 notebook cover. (We swap covers every month.)

There's space for two more patches on each space, and then we'll embellish the seams, and add the our names and dates at the sides and make them up into covers.

This will become my cover; her January stitching is the snow scene. For February I  need to add a small piece to half of the space in the top left hand corner.

She was very well organised, her stitching arrived well in time!

It's a mixture of appliqué, and layers of lace for snow, and embroidered figures. It makes me want to join in!

This will be Ang's;

I have covered up my stitching because I haven't posted it yet; I don't want to spoil the surprise. I have added an extra detail to a previous piece; wonder if can spot what did...

She needs to choose either the long thin strip on the left or the square in the top right.


Nunc Dimittis 

This was composed by Oliver Burgon for the television series of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy from the book by John le Carre. Sung by the choir of King's College,  Cambridge. 


  1. That stitching is incredible!

    Squirrel obstacle courses which I hope will bring a smile

  2. Aha! There's an extra red line round the inside of the pen pocket

    1. I knew you'd find it! I thought it needed something more. Two rows of stem stitch with variegated wine coloured perle

  3. I remember that ad! It's like that at my house sometimes lol. They are such crafty animals
    Love all the stitching. It is really beautiful

    1. Mission Impossible is a good summary of life sometimes! But up and over and through and the occasional wild leap gets up there!

  4. It is so interesting to see how you both sew each piece, I love to see how the covers are developing. A really fun project, you ladies are so inventive. Regards Sue H

    1. Thank you. You are right about it being a fun project

  5. I admire squirrels - such clever little beasts.

  6. You are both so talented. You have had a lot to deal with recently so no wonder it has taken longer.

    1. Speaking for myself, I wouldn't call it talent so much as 'having a go and accepting the consequences'! I look at something I've done and think - well, that's OK enough... there's quite a lot of bluffing going on!

  7. Love the Carling ad, I do remember it! Squirrels are so naughty but you have to forgive them. I am not putting out much bird feed, as last year it seemed to encourage rats. Horrible.

    1. Yes, I am concerned about rats. I saw one the other year... and of course there is never 'only one'. But none since then.
