Monday, 10 February 2025

Monday 10th February - familiarity breeds....

Confidence, not contempt, in this case. I spent a good chunk of this morning dealing with my father’s finances, and I think I've managed to complete the processes (different for every bank!) for almost everything. J

To begin with I was very nervous, but today's calls and paperworks were remarkably simple and straightforward. Speaking to real people was such a help.

I was a little taken aback by one company which had their recorded answervoice say 'I'm sorry for your loss'. I don't think that delivered any sincerity at all!


I've had this annoying little 3-part round going in my head off and on for weeks and weeks now. I used to teach it in music classes.

If nothing else it expanded their vocabulary to include the word 'persevere'!

It's helped me to brace up and get through a number of tasks over the past weeks!


I knitted for another twenty minutes or so today, and made a start on the February Cover Story Stitching.

This is my piece for January; oh, hang on a mo,

I can't believe I forgot to photograph it before I sent it to Ang! Ah well. Maybe she'll post it for tomorrow... I'll have to ask her to send me a picture. She'll be laughing... because she did exactly that with her piece!


I listened again to the Fauré setting of the Sanctus, from his requiem, this morning. It is so beautiful that it did bring a tear, or two, to my eyes.

This next Sanctus is from Bach's Mass in B minor; the first section is joyful and expansive; the second suddenly becomes a merry dance, everyone joining in, all holding hands and laughing...

That's how I responded... over to you...


  1. I'm glad you managed to sort out the finances. I imagine it's a relief to have it done.

    1. It certainly is. I was quaking in my slippers at first!

  2. Just catching up on blog reading and want to say how much I loved your Kings Choir slots. I went to Evensong at Kings College when in the UK and this brought back so many happy memories. Neither of the Anglican Churches in my city do Evensong so I'm pondering if I might take a trip to the capital to the Cathedral soon. My non-conformist heritage brought me to these treats late:)

    1. There are some wonderful treats in every type of churchmanship; I was in my thirties before I learned the hymn 'how great thou art'! It sure ain't in 'the English Hymnal' we used at my church!

  3. Angela did show your January stitching it is lovely. I think Faure's Requiem is divine but also the Bach. Heavenly music indeed. That must be a relief to have sorted out your Dad's finances. Regards Sue H

  4. I love Fauré's Requiem - I sang in a performance of it at uni mumble mumble years ago and it has sort-of haunted me ever since.

    1. Likewise. One year I made a point of only listening to requiems in Holy Week.

  5. Your summation of the music is spot on.

  6. I have seen your lovely piece on Angela's blog. I know 'Perce Vere' quite well., especially while sewing the tiny pieces of Corinne Lapierre's Christmas piece😉. Take care x

  7. The paperwork that you deal with while going through grief is awful. It's one of the worst parts of grieving. Hugs x
