Sunday, 9 February 2025

Sunday 9th February - I've had a few words with myself

That sounded ominous!  But really, I was getting fed up with the amount of time I was wasting on computer solitaire and sudoku. I can understand why people get addicted to online gaming, like online slot machines or whatever; you tap 'play', tap the cards, the game cones out or not, you tap 'play', it comes out or not, you tap 'play'.... and half an hour has gone past.

When I stop I don't feel improved, fulfilled, satisfied... so what was the point? Just a sort of oblivion, filling time...

So, like I said, I had a word with myself and challenged myself to a day without solitaire or sudoku. It's ten hours later, and so far, so good. I'm looking forward to feeling really pleased with myself.


What have I been doing instead? I was reading the kindle sample for this book;

(I'll read the sample, but I'm not sure I want the book.) In the introduction I read this;

Well there's a thought. I picked up my abandoned sock, looked at the clock, and started knitting. Fifteen minute's didn't feel long enough and I had no reason to stop so I kept going until the yarn colour changed from oranges to reds.

(A lot more productive than solitaire or suduko!)


I've learned that the plump, slightly puffed up robin without a red breast us probably a dunnock. 

I've never knowingly seen a dunnock before. It was around yesterday,  and again today. Too fat for a robin or a sparrow,  too big for a wren. I have seen all of these in the garden at various times.


The squirrel has found the birdfeeder in the apple tree;

When I looked back this is the first time I have drawn anything for a month. I haven't used a paintbrush for nearly two months! Where has the person that is 'me' been?

I'm glad to be coming back home, as it were.


After a week of listening to different settings of the Nunc Dimittis, it's time for a change.  I've settled on the great hymn of praise, at the beginning of the communion prayer. It is sung by the angels in Isaiah chapter 6

Isaiah’s Commission

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another:

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
    the whole earth is full of his glory.”

In the communion service the prayer continues 

Blessed is who who comes in the name of the Lord
Hosanna in the highest.

Here's a setting which, to my mind, is a picture of a 'heavenly' heaven;

From the Fauré Requiem, sung by Voces8. 


  1. Faure'sRequiem was such a favourite of my husband. I do Wordle most days just to keep my brain alive!

  2. The Fauré is so beautiful.
    Wordle isn't such a snare as you can only do one a day.

  3. Can't go wrong knitting socks.

    1. I've been adding more to my sock through the Pottery Throwdown!

  4. I really envy you the way you can do little sketches of things you see. They are always glorious - or at least the ones you share with us!
    I get hooked on solitaire too. I always stop for Lent. But I never stop sudoku at bedtime!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement re the sketches. I tend to look at them and think 'well, that's a bit rough' but they usually look a bit better on a screen. I try and give up solitaire for Lent too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That sketch is amazing!

    I honestly feel that knitting soothes me. As my hands are moving, it shakes the fidgets out of me, it makes me feel that I am creating something and it leaves room for my mind to wander, which I've always found is good for me. I hope it gives you the same comfort.

    1. That's the thing, isn't it; to remove the fidgeting and create something at the same time...

  6. Wearing those socks would cheery up the dullest day.
    I haven;'t listened to Fauré for a long while, so thank you.

    1. The yarn is wonderful to knit with as well.
      I'd forgotten how very beautiful the Fauré is.

  7. I love your sketch!
    The yarn looks lovely.
    I could so easily get addicted to online games, probably the reason I don't play them lol

    1. Very wise! And thanks for the encouragement
