Monday, 2 January 2017

Monday 2nd January - 2017 - Resolutions

I have so many journals and blogs and diaries to keep up with this year, plus projects and plans...


the page-a-day I write up - I was going to put "every evening", but sometimes a few days can slide by and then I have to rack my brains to try and remember what happened

I've been given "A Colorful Life" journal for Christmas, for doing painting and what-ever-ing in and also "A Sketch-a-Day" visual journal, and a sketching pencil

Finish some of the books I started last year - I have a terrible habit of starting books and then abandoning them after a couple of chapters. My kindle is full of unfinished books.

Learning a Scarlatti sonata every week on the harpsichord
Finishing off the current piece of knitting
Starting a vegetable patch in the garden
Continuing to ream out the clutter that has accrued in the dark corners of the house

So, regarding New Year Resolutions - as I make it a policy not to set myself up for failure, I'll stick with the usual;
Eat Chocolate at least once a week
Take two bags of stuff to the charity shop once a month

There are a whole load of other resolutions I'd like it if I could keep, but if I don't write them down, I won't mind so much when they don't happen.


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