Wednesday 4 January 2023

Wednesday 4th January - Back on track (datewise)

It has been Wednesday all day in my mind. 

This may be because a regular Wednesday morning term-time piano teaching zoom has restarted. By prior agreement we didn't do much in the way of piano, but just had a lovely long chat. This zoom is alway an unequal mix of chat and piano lesson as we spend about an hour setting ourselves and the rest of the world to rights before getting round to the piano bit; no wonder lessons have always taken up most of a morning ever since we started!

I'm trying to restart a sketchbook habit. It went quite well a few years ago, but fell by the wayside last year. I've bought a Special New Notebook for the purpose (I don’t need much excuse to buy another notebook). This is the front page:

The top is a watercolor version of the inky pictures I did a few days ago, to which I added some black fountain pen lines. Then I drew some simplified ideas for trees fir me to think about, inspired by a blog post on about a Paul Klee-inspired embroidered sketchbook cover.

Starting a New Sketchbook is always a little intimidating...

Ang and I have resumed our correspondence regarding the sequel to the Postcard Project. We are approaching the end; just a month or so to go, and we both want to continue. 

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