Wednesday 17 July 2024

Wednesday 17th July

The last bean standing!

I have ordered slug repellent from Sarah Raven but it probably won't arrive in time to save this one. I considered relabelling the planters 'slug food'....

I'd never survive if we all had to be self-sufficient!

More from the big Surprise Canadian Parcel;

Apparently a local book store has a 'fill a box with books for $35' sale every so often; so in among the haul my friends got these for me.

200 little things to knit; lots of flowers, leaves, fish and sea creatures to knit

When Bad Things Happen to Good Knitters and how to fix them 

Knitting from the Center Out - this last book is fascinating, with patterns on how to knit a Teddy bear all in one piece, knitting a sock starting ag the centre of the heel and shaping the foot, leg, toe all in one go... truly mind boggling playing with complex shapes. The top down jumper, toe up sock and watch cap (beanies is another name for them) patterns are relatively simple, but the rest....

I'm not tackling them now as after a couple of disturbed nights I'm dopey enough that basic knit stitch in rows is challenge enough. 

But a time will come...


  1. Glad you like them. I don’t knit so I couldn’t tell if they were any good or not. Of course, it’s only when you actually try to follow a pattern that you find out if it’s well written or not. I thought the “Knitting From The Center Out” one would appeal to you as you have had a number of strange technique knits in your blog. Have fun!

    1. All three books look really interesting. I'm looking forward to trying some of the patterns and techniques

  2. All 3 sound like great fun

    1. Yes, I shall give in and cast something onto the needles soon!

  3. Have you tried Copper tape round the bean containers?

    1. I've had some success with copper tape before. I think it loses its effectiveness when it gets tarnished. It certainly stopped working on one tub last year after a season
