Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Wednesday 23rd December - Advent 23

(Assam Tea. I shall reward myself with a cup after I've got this blog post up)


BB went out early on foot, braving the crowds, in search of M&S Chocolate Yule Log and a pannetone. Score zero - sold out.

We went to visit my mother - it was a good morning and we had an enjoyable time

Picked up DD from her flat; were regaled with a cup of tea Seriously Excellent Chocolate Cupcakes (plenty of chocolate cake-ness and just the right amount of the delicious icing.

Came home for a late lunch (bacon sarnies, if you want to know, don't read inside these parenthesisisis if you don't. Want to know, that is)

BB went Back into town to capture the turkey crown that we ordered.

DD and I went off to the garden centre to buy a spinning tree ornament (score 1)
the final Christmas present that I needed (score 2)
indulge in a cappucino with chocolate sprinkles and a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows (score 2 more)
some irresistible Christmas decorations (do we score anything for these? yes, of course - 10 bonus points)
a Christmas present for BB - the ONLY ONE from me which he doesn't know what it is (score 300, unless I eat it before I give it to him, in which case it will be a zero)

Came home to fine turkey crown safely netted and corralled in the bottom of the fridge (score lots more).

My reward; to "Enter the Scene" (Jacquie Lawson advent calendar)

Smash some baubles - see day 4; (BB has managed a score of 11923!)

   and. of course, some Assam tea.

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