Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Wednesday 3rd April - Awake at last

I woke up 'awake' this morning, if you see what I mean. Awake as in 'not-tired', as in 'eyes staying open'.

Now all I have to do is stop snuffling.

I should be sorting out the invoicing for next term's piano teaching, or casting off the blue jumper that I finished last year and then found I wanted it to be longer, so added some more, or sewing up the yellow jumper I finished some time ago, but all these tasks require proper concentration, so I will leave them for a day or so yet.

So far today I have

clipped the cats claws  - a first time for them. I wasn't sure how that would go, but they just looked a bit bemused and confused by the whole process. Leo has been getting her front claws stuck in things - they don't go out enough at the moment to wear the sharp point away.

added some more to the scarf - it now has two rows of  roses (no way to make that sound any better) and a criss cross pattern. I'm just using up the rest of the blue-green colour on a sort of zig zag before I go hunting for a leaf pattern to do next.

done my ten-line drawing - it was going to be just a few lines and lots of space, but then my pen started running away with me.

Last night I finished "The Winter Story" from Brambly Hedge - the series was going to be my Lent reading, remember? Lent was a bit of a non-event this year. If I had read it a week or so ago, it would have been snowing properly for the Snow Ball in the story.

Image result for snow ball winter story jill barklem

I have downloaded "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine" by Gail Honeyman, for the book club which I didn't go to, and "Iron Hand" by Charlie Fletcher, the sequel to "Stoneheart" which I read last year (or the year before? can't remember when, but the book was excellent)

  Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine: Debut Sunday Times Bestseller and Costa First Novel Book Award winner 2017     Ironhand: Book 2 (Stoneheart)

And  read a couple of chapters of Nehemiah which is the book for the Bible Book Club, next meeting on Monday. It is only 12 chapters long, and I am up to chapter 9 so I should make it to the end before Monday.

Gustave Doré; Nehemiah Views the Ruins of Jerusalem's Walls, 1866.

Now I need to update the BOOK page on this site, and eat some more chocolate.

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