Thursday, 7 November 2019

Thursday 7th November - Random thoughts

St Willibrord of York. It's his day!

He lived round about 658 to 739, living in York, and then travelling, to Ireland, and twice to Rome (that would have been quite a journey) before going to Frisland to convert the pagans.

That's only a few hundred years after Roman times... maybe the Roman roads were still in reasonable condition?

I've spent today in a semi-zombie like condition, teaching piano (5 pupils), African Drumming (2 classes) and piano again at home (4 pupils). The lack of sleep on Tuesday night is catching up with me. I had a very, very light lunch, so came home from the drumming feeling ravenous. Porridge seemed like a good idea, made in my specially purchased microwave porridge bowl.

Sistema 850ml Breakfast Porridge Microwavable Bowl Red

It works extremely well if you remember the instructions to cook your porridge in 30 second bursts. If you don't, well, it was time to clean the microwave anyway, and the porridge was eating temperature, as opposed to burn-your-mouth temperature by the time the microwave was pristine again.

The day has been sunny and autumnal and lovely again. It is quite astonishing how much difference sunshine makes.

Right. More phone calls and emails and stuff and admin and paperwork - best get on with it while I am still slightly awake!

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