Tuesday 13 April 2021

Easter Holidays

so, nearly a fortnight since my last post - had you given up on me?

We're still here;

or, without the music;

The Disney Winnie the Pooh cartoons came out when the children were young - they were on the tv non-stop. Can't say I liked them much

So, what kind of nothing have we been doing?

The 'lawn' is covered in tiny violets - also dandelions which Himself declared war upon; years ago we bought a special dandelion-dealer-wither-sort-of-thing and it still works. The front 'lawn' has bare patches of not-dandelions-any-more interspersed among the moss. (A whole new crop appeared a day or so later - this seems to support the warnings against using anti-bacterial products which kill most of the bacteria leaving room for even more bacteria to colonise the cleared space). 

The camellia appears to be loving its new place n the garden and was covered in flowers until;

the weather forecast became ominous, and I even wrapped up my strawberries and vegetables in bubble wrap as a protection against sub-zero temperatures 

This weird little bird is supposed to predict the weather, and all those fern-like crystalline growths in the solution indicate snow...

We have had snow, and hail, and more snow this week. Everything in the garden seems to have survived. I watched it from inside, much warmer, with a proper cup of tea out of a proper teapot with a proper tea cosy on a proper tray with a proper traycloth. 

In one of the sunny but freezing cold spells we managed a 'hello there' when some of the family swung by after visiting my father for a picnic lunch, all well wrapped up in blankets and no need to chill the prosecco. 

And in another sunny but freezing cold spell we managed a birthday presents and Easter Eggs exchange with the offspring down at the seaside. It was cold enough that turning round and going straight back home again seemed like a good idea, but, fortified by a slice of chocolate cake, we managed a short walk towards the sea and along the front in the sunshine, and then what seemed like a never-ending trek back the way we came after the sun had gone behind clouds and the wind fiercely in our faces.

This morning I had the pleasure of sitting out in the garden with a friend having tea (on a proper tray with a proper cloth, but using mugs as we were in the garden). In the sun, and out of the wind, it was perfect; I didn't even need to wrap up (mainly because I was already wearing a thermal vest, winter shirt and thick guernsey jumper!). She has carried away another two bags of music teaching resources - I am sorry to see some of them go... 

'You sound like you are missing the class teaching,' she said - well, yes, and no. I'm not sure I am up to singing 'John Kanakanaka over and over, three lessons a day, with the children facing their partners in two concentric circles and doing dosy-dos moving to their right twice in each verse; vastly entertaining for the teachers to watch the chaos, and I'm sure there was an educational element to the activity...   

I'm sorting out the piano lessons for when term starts - I have never had so many relatively advanced students at the same time and now have to actually Learn a stack of music ready for Monday. Starting with the slow movement of Beethoven's Pathetique sonata, Bach Prelude and Fugues, a Mozart sonata or two... my days of 'blagging' my way through the pieces are over. 


1 comment:

  1. DONT KILL THE Dandelions. Dandelion wine is lovely! We make 30 litres every year. Takes a while to de-petal 3 buckets full of heads but its worth it. The petals give the wine a lovey aroma, and its so nice (but dont use the green bits unless you like the toilet. A microgramme of dandelion sap creates the best diuretic on the planet).
    Also, thank you so much for helping Vicky with the piano! The "Ukraniam method" really works for her. She practices for at least an hour every day, and Anna is pleased with her. She also plays our newly restored harmonium regularly. I am also having lessons on music theory and it helps with my concertina playing.
    Our weather is rather wet. On Sunday it was really nice so we had a barbecue in the garden. Since then it's done nowt pud snow! About 5Cm last night but its very wet snow!
    Keep on blogging. Must update mine....
