Monday 28 November 2022

Monday 28th November- Drawings Roundup

Going backwards from 25th November to 2nd November.  I do enjoy flicking back through the journal for a quick reminder of that day.

25th oh yes, the Christmas cake ingredient measuring incident, also finished the prototype cowl. I've been wearing most of the day. Also, made sausage meatballs in slow cooker for tomorrow's lunch and the freezer.

I'm not giving secrets away with the cowl, as I  have changed all the patterns for the actual Advent cowl

24th early birthday present of large and very delicious coffee walnut cake! The beef goulash came out of the slow cooker, half for the next day's lunch, and half for th freezer.  The excess l8quid became soup for the evening. 


23rd Two glorious balls of wool arrived from My Yarnery in Havant. I'm already thinking about knitting one through Lent!

22nd Vicky came and planted up tubs with layers op tulips, daffodils in the middle and crocuses on top. Crockpot vegetable soup was delicious.

18th Finished knitting  a mini-cowl to test the concept. So far so good.

19th This was the beginning of days of 'to-do list' overwhelm. I think I am just about emerging  from this state. Maybe.

20th Alarming and sudden hailstorm, Hailstones nearly the size of walnuts hurling themselves onto the ground and bouncing 3-4 feet high

21st Non-stop activity day...

14th the beginning ofvthe Advent cowl obsession after searching the Internet for a similar Advent knit-along project

15th I  ordered a mini crockpot!

16th Another day of being brave, this time to see the hygienist 

17th a day of doing everything except what I should have been doing... it all caught up with me a few days later!

10th evicting spiders and letting the sun shine brighter through the windows 

11th Remembrance Day

12th My birthday celebrations began early, meeting up with our children 

13th I  xame away with early birthday presents.  The chocolates didn't last long

6th Planning a postcard project version 2?

7th a day of rattling away at the laptop- very satisfying 

8th at the dentist - I didn't need any work doing but my husband wasn't so lucky.

9th started on a cross-stitch picture  (which I  have just finished after many distractions)

Here we are at the beginning of November 

2nd getting the steps in stomping up and down the garden

3rd thank heavens for zoom; regular contact with church and friends has been wonderful 

4th we watched fireworks for free from our front doorstep

5th my first attempt at cross stitch (yes, it was a bit cross-eye making and a bit cross-patch making, but I  got the hang of it eventually)


  1. Now I've got my sale out of the way I shall finish off and post my PP stitching. I've also been thinking about next year's project
