Monday 16 January 2023

Monday 16th January - January Book Challenge - update

 Well, I finished 'Nightingale Wood' by Stella Gibbons, which I think definitely counts in the category 'books to make you feel good' in the challenge from our local library.

I've at last managed to get into 'The Twyford Code'. It looks like this may be the first Book Club choice I finish for several months. It's an odd construction, consisting of transcripts of conversations. Some of the interest (and difficulty!) comes from working out the real meaning of the transcription. I don't think I am giving anything away by saying 'missiles' means 'Miss Isles', and 'young guns' means 'younguns'. Some are harder to work out. I wonder if this would work in an audiobook format? Somebody reading out loud the written transcriptions of verbal recordings? I'm 36% of the way through and am still pretty baffled as to where it is all going.

So, what next for an 'easy' read'. I think it is time I had a look at the various books I downloaded when they were on offer for 99p.  

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