Sunday 15 January 2023

Sunday 15th January - Daffodils. Sock. Sewing.

I bought some pots of tete-a-tete narcussus last week. These days they just seem to wedge the bulbs into the tops of the pots, rather than burying them. I wonder if the start them off in poly tunnels or greenhouses? They arrived cleverly packaged and with just a few inches of leaf showing. 

Last night there were three buds, and today

 Well! Just look at them! Nine flowers open and at least nine more to come. I was so impressed when they arrived that I sent for an amaryllis, which has several leaves and a large bud making its upward journey.

The sock continues. I have never knitted at such a fine gauge before. 

If I didn't have yesterday's photograph to look at, I would think that it hadn't grown at all,



I've done some more Postcard Project sewing as well.


  1. I did some PP tonight too. Tomorrow I hope to be at a bookbinding workshop!

  2. What is the Postcard Sewing Project? Janet in Seattle

    1. Ah, I've been mentioning this for just about a year now, but I should have posted a link. Way back in January 2022, Ang from Tracing Rainbows ( and I started a project to each embroider a picture on a matching piece of linen and post it to each other for the next picture to be added every month. So there are two pieces, looking a bit like giant postcards with our names and addresses stitched on the right, and little embroidered pictures all over. If you search on this blog and hers, you will find the posts as the year progressed. It has been a fun and unexpectedly wonderful thing to do. A sort of penfriend thing, I suppose.
