Tuesday 17 January 2023

Tuesday 17th January - one of those days...

You know, when you look at your diary in the morning while enjoying the first coffee of the day, and list what needs to be done, and think 'well, that looks ok'

and a few items get added and one event is cancelled but the list is still very reasonable, and, as you drink your mid-morning coffee and feel very pleased with how the day is shaping up....

The to-do list: morning, afternoon and evening 

But by mid afternoon things are not looking so relaxed and there's a shedload of stuff that's appeared from nowhere 

It's 7pm and I have put my phone on silent and powered down the computer. I am pecking at the screen of my tablet to put this post up one letter at a time and I’m on a countdown to opening the chocolate o'clock box.



  1. My daughter calls it "the cascade of chores" - one simple task turns into two more, and then, and then... And it's the evening, and you know you are too tired to finish the day's list

    1. That is it - and also a number of telephone calls from left field asking me to do this or that or just listen to someone wanting to chat....
