Wednesday 18 January 2023

Wednesday 18th January - Wicked Pleasures

 I downloaded this

I think it might have been on offer. I was sceptical about the Richard Osman whodunits, but hugely enjoyed them. When Richard Coles, the media celeb vicar produced a whodunit I was equally doubtful.  Jumping on bandwagon, I thought, but gave in.

I have been following Richard Coles on twitter for several years. He has a neat turn of phrase and wrote amusing tweets about parish life, and his mother's take on village and world events. 

WELL! I MUST SAY! I imagine all his parishioners, and his mother must have read the book with intense concentration to see if they could spot themselves in the cast... I'm only part way through and have no idea who is going to be murdered when or where, but I don't care. Anyone who can describe a caricature of sour-natured wonan, the leader of the flower guild, as 'looking like an embittered cardoon' has got my attention! 

I'm carrying on with 'The Twyford Code' for the book club as well. I still don't know how it's going to turn out....


  1. This is on my "must read" list. I keep hearing good comments about it.

    1. I'll be interested to hear what you think!
