Thursday 19 January 2023

Thursday 19th January - Do It Now

I have been muttering this to myself off and on since the beginning of the week. I find that my capacity for getting things done evaporates at an astonishing speed when there are too many loose ends, so finishing things off is an instant energy boost. 

For example - 

Putting a small pile of laundry away only took 5 mins

Doing the daily balletbasedmovement exercises, again just 5 mins

Filing a couple of pieces of paper which had been travelling from table to desk to piano stool to table etc

The amount of brain space these few odd jobs, and a few more like them, was occupying was ridiculous, all out of proportion to the time taken to just get them done. 

I think I  will carry on muttering 'do it now' to myself for a few more days.

When sock knitting seems too fiddly, like now I do a bit of a mitred squared patchwork blanket.

This is a sort of free form comfort knitting project I have embarked upon. I shall do a 'knitty-gritty' post on it soon. It's a low concentration knit, good for after longer harder days.

I've done a bit more on the Postcard Project- if you've missed what this is about, search for  postcard on this blog and also over at Tracing Rainbows. It is in the final stages now, so close to the finish that I am completely confused as to what the finish will be. Easily sorted with emails and WhatsApp messages. 

Someone has been murdered (at last) in Murder before Evensong, the whodunit by Richard Coles. Given the title of the book that's hardly a spoiler. Now to find out who did it. There is no butler in the cast of characters....