Monday 13 February 2023

Monday 13th February - decisions, decisions...

I didn't spend three years at university studying maths (and music) for nothing;

I spent a few fruitful minutes with my bag of knitting and the kitchen scales and have come to the conclusion that I might possibly have almost nearly enough wool for both socks. 

That won't be a problem, as I have some similar wool in a contrasting colour.  If I knit the cuffs and heels in the contrast I will have enough to complete the socks,  and hopefully they won't look too weird! 

I have finished the book club book, 'Unsettled Ground' by Clare Fuller. What do I think? I'm not sure... I think I did enjoy it. I can imagine all the people and places from the descriptions; I think it would make a brilliant film.

I've just started reading 'Old Filth' by Jane Gardham. I'm still trying to settle on my recommendations for next month's read as it is my turn to pick. It is making me surprisingly nervous in case nobody likes any of them!

'Old Filth' is the story of a lawyer, nicknamed Old Filth, now widowed and retired in Somerset after a life living and working in Hong Kong. 'Filth' means 'failed in London, try Hong Kong'. 

So far the books on my list are

Nightingale Wood - Stella Gibbons

Ghost Music - An Yu

One Fine Day - Mollie Panter-Downes

The Running Hare - John Lewis-Stempel (not quite finished this one)

The Art of Invisible Detection - Robert Goddard

Ghost Wall - Sarah Moss

Wintering - Katherine May

I may add 'Old Filth' as well...

From which I need to select 3 or 4.

I have read them all; but I do want to read them again anyway.

I'll post more about them tomorrow. 

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