Friday 15 December 2023

Friday 15th December - a fairly static day

 I woke early this morning, toooo early, like 4.30 am. The milkman? Maybe. I don't remember hearing him, but our bedroom is at the front of the house, and he stops outside our window to deliver to the neighbours on either side as well as ourselves.

We could get our milk much more cheaply from the supermarket,  but while we can we'll keep Gary the milkman (I've never once seen him in all the years he's been delivering here!) going. It's not just about us; I think he provides a very important service to the many older people who live in this road.

Anyway, having woken up so early I was feeling pretty droopy today. I did manage to sort through various boxes and bags in which I had stashed, and then forgotten about, earlier Christmas present purchases. 

After that I spent most of the rest of the day lying about on the settee. Hence a meagre 500 steps on the step counter so far, and it's unlikely to climb much higher before bed time.

Ah well, it's not as though I had some high powered or important job to do!

I finished a bit of knitting for this coming week's crafts, and have given some consideration to which paper craft I'll post. As for baking, I thought I had chosen the recipes, but then I tripped across a really interesting idea, which I shall try out tomorrow!

This evening I completed all the written cards; the writing, addressing and stamping al ready to go.

I did catch myself putting a card into an envelope and beginning to stick the flap BEFORE I'd written the greeting; I hope that was the only time!


  1. There is no "Gary" around here, more's the pity. Although postage costs have risen steeply I try to use Royal Mail because I think our Henry-the-postie also keeps an eye on people and I value that doorstep deivery.

    1. I think 75p for a 2nd class stamp in today's world isn't such an expensive item once you compare it to all the other prices of things. It's just when you buy 20 stamps at a time it makes you blink!

  2. 500 is better than 0 so don't knock yourself some days are better than others, there is always another day!

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    2. I managed to add some more steps before bedtime which cheered me up! But you're right, something is better than nothing!
