Thursday 14 December 2023

Thursday 14th December - more cards, more decorating

 It's beginning to look a bit more like Christmas here;

There will come a year when putting up the lights all around the sitting room will be a bridge too far, but this year we're still up for it. 

We are SO not a minimalist household! Neither do we embrace the latest decor trends...!

I've wrapped nine presents and written just fifteen cards, but now I have to wait until BB has braved the shops before I write any more. 

He visits the supermarket in person every week to shop for my father. This is so he can rummage through the microwave ready-meal selection to pick the longest dates. Online ordering means you get what you're given and make the best of it - okay for us but not so good for my father. It does mean we have a chance to get anything that was not delivered, or forgotten from our own order.


  1. Suddenly realised we have those curtains and that chair in our lounge (but in different colours) I'm sure I'd feel quite at home in your non-Minimalist house!

    1. We need to check our clothes for similarities too; this is getting spoooooky! And yes, I have several Breton stripe tops....
