Monday 5 August 2024

Monday 5th August

 Our lovely neighbour was out trimming the edges of his front lawn. BestBeloved went out and offered him a loan of our half-moon edge tool. The neighbour was so impressed at the way it made the job easier that he asked if we would mind if he did the verge outside our house when he did his own?

Would we mind???? When we came back later in the afternoon from meeting friends for tea he had trimmed his lawn, the verges out side his house, our house and our neighbours on the other side. He'd also cut our grass, trimmed it, and rootled out most of the weeds in our paving. I can't quite make out if he did our neighbour's lawn as well...

What a hero.

The view from the pub garden, where we had tea, was stunning, across to the other side of the valley. Such a typical rural scene. Away in the distance in the further field were a couple of lads throwing a boomerang around. They aren't really visible in the photograph; too far away.

The pub is called 'The Frog and Nightgown'. I have no idea why it has such an odd name. There were little frog shapes in icing sugar on top of the scones!

We didn't have to worry about this sign in the carpark; but I imagine they have to warn off people who use their carpark as a convenient place to leave their car while they go off on one of the walks or cycleways nearby.

I dug up some potatoes, picked over and scrubbed them for our energetic and helpful young neighbours as a thank you for all his hard work. When the next tub is ready to be harvested I shall invite their little boy, aged 4, to come and help. I reckon he will enjoy that. He's very keen on the garden, and particularly likes going on slug and snail hunts with his Dad!