Friday 11 October 2024

Friday 11th October

 Today's activity was getting vaccinations done.

BB had one for flu last week, and I've got my flu vaccination booked in next week.

So this morning we went off for Covid vaccinations, and took my father along to have both at once (brave soul!). They've got it down to a very slick operation at this centre, at a village hall about a 10 minute drive away. door to door, including the driving it took barely an hour.

So far I'm feeling OK... apart from a slightly sore arm. And so's BB and my father.

Fingers crossed it stays that way...


  1. Make sure you take it easy tomorrow

    1. Empty day in the diary, just how I like it! But I'm OK this morning so far. I admit I was apprehensive when the nurse told me it was the modena version, same as yours.
